domingo, septiembre 20, 2009

Happy Mexican Independence Day with Angels!

My God... I´m so thankful! Yesterday, I had an amazing time with my family! We ate, danced, and sang a lot! We were celebrating our traditional Mexican Independence Day at the City Hall in Toronto with our people! Mariachi, tacos, sombreros, tequila!!! Too much to say resumed in just one wonderful feeling: F E L I C I D A D! Did I mention that this is and has been the BEST YEAR in my whole life? Well, now you know!

lunes, febrero 23, 2009

I dare you

Tears of sadness and joy ran down my cheeks today while connecting ideas between what I have read, seen and lived. I´m dehydrated and needed of a vast river of true answers. Would I be satisfied someday? Hope is all I own. Nobody can take it from me, except myself. How lucky I am.

Stories related to each other by the most beautiful word in the whole universe: love, a concept that never walks alone. Love for children, for the other half, for the highest power, for the simplicity of the existence... love for the love?

Today is one of those vulnerable days when I proclaim to be so weak to solve the puzzle; however, I´ll give it a try. And I am asking you. Do you really think we always have a second chance to say I love you without losing anything at all? Let the bet begin!

In the long run, promises could be broken. That’s what I have learned. But the remembrances... the good ones... if we desire, they stay forever. So, how long would it take us to realise that we will always have the right to be happy... again? Perhaps that blessing would last some days, one winter or two, or forever? It’s up to us!

My challenge for you is simple. I dare you to get rid of that crap your soul has been drinking for so many years. It won’t heal the pain, but it will assassinate your spirit. Let the destiny proves me that I won’t regret being there for us.

Hey, what a movie marathon I had today, by the way! My tears and laughter missed you a lot! I wish you can come safe to me from that trip you are having!

Rubí Kim

jueves, febrero 19, 2009

De vuelta al tatami!

Me pregunto si después de cinco años de no pisar un tatami tendré la valentía, coraje, disciplina y perseverancia de probarme a mí misma que todavía puedo patear traseros.

Ya lo averiguaré. Nunca es tarde para intentarlo de nuevo. Si frente a mis ojos, un señor de 90 años se mueve tan libre como una libélula ¿por qué no habría de poder yo, a mis bien vividos 28?

Que comience la fiesta señores que esta vieja ya se armó de valor!

Rubí Kim